Local pre-Pesach activities

Local pre-Pesach activities


(Courtesy TBT)

Wayne’s Temple Beth Tikvah hosted a youth interfaith chocolate seder with Christian, Jewish, and Muslim teens on April 9. It started with a pizza party where everyone could meet each other. Participants and chaperones came from Wayne’s St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Pioneer Academy, and the Peace Island Institute, and were hosted by Temple Beth Tikvah teens, teachers, and the shul’s Rabbi Meeka Simerly, pictured center.

(Courtesy Temple Sinai)The sisterhood of Temple Sinai of Bergen County in Tenafly held a women’s seder. Guests brought an array of international charoset recipes to share. Rabbi Beth Kramer-Mazor, left, and Annice Benamy, not pictured, the sisterhood’s ritual vice president, led a discussion on the role of women in the Haggadah. Guest rabbi, Jill Hammer, center, an author, educator, midrashist, and ritualist, spoke of Miriam’s role and the role of water in the Passover story. Rabbi Susan Elkodsi, pictured right, from Malvern, N.Y., was among the seder visitors.

(Courtesy TEPV)

A few families from Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley joined in chametz burning at the home of Cantor Alan Sokoloff.
