Local artist exhibiting in Closter

Local artist exhibiting in Closter

“Resettlement” (Photo courtesy of artist)
“Resettlement” (Photo courtesy of artist)

Judith Peck, emeritus professor of art at Ramapo College of New Jersey, will exhibit her sculpture at the Belskie Museum in Closter from October 11 to November 1. There will be an opening reception on Sunday, October 11, from 1 to 5 p.m. Ms. Peck joins five other women sculptors and mixed media artists.

Ms. Peck creates works that refer to the Holocaust and reflect on family themes and Jewish culture and values. A woman whose family was murdered in the Holocaust recently bought Ms. Peck’s over-life-size sculpture, “One Man in Memory of Six Million.” The donor gave it to Ramapo College, where it is installed; another sculpture, “Resettlement,” showing a family en route to the camps, is at the sculpture park at Clifton City Hall. Another is in the Ghetto Fighters Museum in Israel.

“Abrupt Departure” (Photo courtesy of artist)
“Abrupt Departure” (Photo courtesy of artist)

“Abrupt Departure” is the featured sculpture at the Belskie Museum exhibition. It shows a woman looking at her husband’s empty chair and abandoned jacket. He has left in anger, leaving dinner uneaten on the table. Her child, whose father spilled his milk as he left, studies her for answers.

The museum is at 280 High St., in Closter. For information, call (201) 768-0286.

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