Lecture on Jewish-Muslim relations
Last week, Rabbi Mendy Chitrik, chairman of the Alliance of Rabbis in the Islamic States, discussed “Jews and Muslims: A Jewish Perspective on Our Shared Rich History and Mutual Future,” for Chabad of Hackensack.
Rabbi Chitrik shared insights, historical revelations, and little-known facts and stories including — the establishment of the first print house in the Islamic world by two Jewish brothers; close to 200,000 Jews currently live in Muslim-majority countries, with nearly half identifying as Ashkenazi; Iran boasts over 80 functioning synagogues, as well as an overnight day camp for children; and that Azerbaijan, not Iran, is home to the largest Jewish community in the Muslim world.
“The feedback we received from attendees was absolutely incredible,” said Rabbi Mendy Kaminker of Chabad of Hackensack. “People were deeply moved by Rabbi Chitrik’s stories and insights, and we are so grateful to have hosted this remarkable lecture and look forward to many more.”
For information on upcoming lectures and programs go to www.ChabadHackensack.com.