Lauds retiring principal

Lauds retiring principal

As parents of two Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies graduates, we must first thank all the people who have worked endlessly, with commitment and dedication, to create BCHSJS and for hiring Fred Nagler as the principal. We have great respect, love, and gratitude for Fred and all he has accomplished as the head of this wonderful Hebrew high school.

He put his all into making sure this program was educational, unique, interesting, outstanding, and fun. We never could have imagined the ideas for numerous topics taught in so many classes over the years. Seniors and juniors can earn college credits in some classes. There are so many talented students who have been allowed to showcase their gifts through music, song, dance, poetry, photography, theater, and art, all in a Jewish framework. The BCHSJS student trip to Israel was remarkable. The social component is a Jewish parent’s dream, to have one’s children continue to meet other Jewish teens. There are so many benefits to this program, but if nothing else, the students can leave with a continued and stronger sense of their Jewish identity and Jewish pride.

Personally, we have found Fred to be very warm, friendly, helpful, energetic, and approachable. As leader of the team, he has had support from the BCHSJS school board and the wisdom to hire great staff to help implement his goals for the school. From a volunteering parent’s view, he seems to have had faith in his staff and respected and trusted them to do the job they were hired to do. He communicated with his staff. He encouraged others to be the best they could be and contribute to the Jewish enrichment of the BCHSJS students.

Yasher koach to Fred Nagler. We wish him much bracha and hatzlacha.
