Jews in “Food Action”

Jews in “Food Action”

Contrary to the impression in the article “Rolling up our sleeves” (December 19), The Center for Food Action does indeed have a Jewish presence. The National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section has been volunteering at the center for many years. We have weekly volunteers at the Englewood site who pack food and others who make food appointments and direct calls for housing assistance. CFA is the recipient of an annual grant from our community services budget as well as our monthly “pass the basket” donations.

On January 20, our general meeting will be spent packing items for the Center for Food Action’s weekend Snack Pack program which provides healthy snack-type food for distribution to kids in four local elementary schools. This is part of the community effort to reduce childhood hunger in our neighborhoods. We would welcome non-members’ assistance to help “pack the packs.” The meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. at Temple Emeth, 1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck. For further information, contact Marcia Levy at
