Jewish Joke about Convert

Jewish Joke about Convert

Pincus was a very religious man, but after nearly 60 years strict observance to Jewish law, he was fed up.
“Esther,” he tells his wife, “I’ve had it! No more getting up early every morning, putting on my tfillin and reciting the same prayers. I’m converting to Catholicism.”
“Are you crazy?” asks Esther, but Pincus is determined.
He goes to a local church, discusses his intentions with the priest, and begins taking instruction and is baptized into the Catholic faith. The next morning, as always, he gets up early, and without thinking, puts on his tfillin and automatically starts to recite his morning prayers.
“What are you doing?” asks Esther. “I thought the whole point of becoming Catholic was so you wouldn’t have to do that any more.”
“Oy!” cried Pincus, smacking himself in the forehead.
“Goyishe kopp!”

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