Israel solving India’s water issues

Israel solving India’s water issues

As ties between Israel and India continue to grow, the Jewish State has stepped forward with a plan to help India with its most pressing water issues.

Israel, one of India’s greatest friends, wants to offer its expertise in water management and help the government with its ambitious Ganga cleaning project.

Israelis have put years of research and development into water desalination, conservation and other methods due to the lack of rainfall in the country. Israel has also set the bar for reusing wastewater in irrigation – treating 80 percent of its domestic wastewater and recycling it for agricultural use. This constitutes nearly 50 percent of the country’s total water used for agriculture.

A delegation of experts from Israel will be in India in August to assess the areas of Ganges River cleaning project that the country can contribute to.

Israel has also offered to streamline the water management and distribution services.

Israel’s Ambassador to India Daniel Carmon had reached out to Union Urban Development and Parliamentary Affairs Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu to offer his country’s assistance in water management to meet the challenge of water scarcity in the burgeoning urban areas.

India and Israel have already signed agreements for agriculture partnership and 28 centers of excellence have been set up in Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. These centers offer training to agriculturists on how to increase their produce and on effective means of irrigation.

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