Israel tops herring list
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Israel tops herring list

Is it a surprise that Israel tops a herring list?

Is it a surprise that Israel tops a herring list? Would we be shocked that Israel beat out European countries at gefilte fish?

But Israel’s showing on the recently released Red Herring Top 100 list for Europe is indeed cause to shep naches with delight.

Red Herring is a business magazine and news service. Its name refers neither to the Ashkenazi kiddush staple nor to the distracting but irrelevant clue in a mystery, but to the red-stamped preliminary prospectus issued by companies that are about to sell shares, but have not yet received government approval to make an actual offer to sell.

The Red Herring Top 100 list ranks the most promising tech companies. There are separate contests for the United States, Europe, and Asia; Israel is included on the European list. Altogether, 300 firms across the world make the list.

This year, 19 Israeli firms are among them — more than from any other country.

Even though it is one of the youngest and smallest countries in the running, Israel accounted for 50 of the 314 finalists on the 2015 European finalists, topped only by the UK’s 56 finalists.

Belgium, with a population of 11.2 million compared with Israel’s 8.3 million, had only two finalists. Perhaps, sad to say, pickled fish is really better brain food than chocolate.

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