Hassidic carpool karaoke with Meir Kay and 8th Day

Hassidic carpool karaoke with Meir Kay and 8th Day

Rocking your world from a Honda Odyssey somewhere in LA

You may know 8th day from Ya’alili or Give it All You’ve got, and you may know Meir Kay as Meir Kalmanson, the man who went viral delighting strange New Yorkers with slaps five as they tried to hail cabs.

Be that as it may, you now know both of them from this delightful journey – an odyssey, if you will, from a hat store (did he pay?) to the most-purchased minivan in the ‘frum’ world to busking on the streets of LA and letting random passers-by pick songs off their newest album to play, like a human jukebox.

Worth a full watch.

Great song from new album:


Another one:

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