Got ____? Aphasia: At a loss for words

Got ____? Aphasia: At a loss for words

Adler Aphasia Center in Jerusalem


According to the Hadassah College Website, the Adler Aphasia Center at Hadassah College in Jerusalem is the “first international branch of the Adler Aphasia Center in New Jersey.”

“My friend Miriam Josephs, who was very active in Hadassah, raised $100,000 for scholarships for Hadassah College, where they teach speech pathology,” said Elaine Adler. “That led to starting the center there.”

Hadassah’s Dafna Olenik visited the New Jersey Adler Aphasia Center, observing its approach and learning its philosophy. She is now the director of the Adler Center in Jerusalem.

Elaine Adler reported that the manual developed by the Connect Program of London was translated into Hebrew for use by staff at the Israeli center. The manual is being translated into Arabic and Russian to serve the needs of Arabic- and Russian-speaking staff and members of the Jerusalem-based facility. “Hadassah College is open to everyone,” explained Adler.

For information on the Hadassah College Adler Aphasia Center e-mail

The National Aphasia Association’s Multicultural Task Force has prepared a “Multicultural aphasia menu” with links to brochures in many languages, including Arabic, Russian and Hebrew. The brochures can be found at:

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