

I used to be a big fan of April Fool’s Day. I would attempt to trick my parents into believing something that didn’t actually happen. In later years, I would post something on Facebook about expecting twins, or something ridiculous like that, just to get a reaction. (Which is usually why I do most things.) But I just wasn’t feeling it this year. Too much of an effort trying to get through the day to try and trick people into believing a complete untruth. People get enough of those in the news. We don’t need any more. Even if there is the possibility of making someone laugh.

This year, on April 1, there was a lot of talk and concern in my community. An event was supposed to be held honoring the members of ZAKA, the organization that continues to work tirelessly in Israel, doing the unimaginable. As this is still supposed to be a humor column, I won’t go into specifics. In any event, what was supposed to be an evening of strength and support turned into something else. Something greater.

It turned into an example of faith and love and community. I wasn’t able to attend the beginning of the rally that was held, but, when I went a few hours later, I still could not believe what was going on. Huge Palestinian flags were being waved, chants were being cried, but all around these people were members of our community, waving Israeli flags, waving American flags. Speakers were set up playing Hebrew songs of love and support and faith and hope. Those words were what was drowning out the words of hate.

It was a sight to behold. Personally, since this is all about me, I felt so grateful to those members of the community who live across from our synagogue and allowed those speakers to play that music and let the community walk all over their lawns because that is where true ahavat Yisroel comes from. Being nice to others. Of course, we should be nice to others all of the time, but I guess you get what you get and try your best.

If you have read my column before, you know that I am not a political person. Mainly because I am not that bright and have no idea what is going on in politics. Honestly, it is one of the few things that Husband #1 is better at than I am.  But it has come to my attention that there is going to be a primary in June that, as a community, especially one that has been under a microscope of hate and antisemitism, we need to vote in. If you are not registered to vote, or if you have kids who have turned 18 without you realizing it, and they need to register to vote, you need to make that happen. We need voices in our local government. Okay, that was my political statement. And now onto our regular scheduled programming.

Last week was my dad’s birthday. Last year, I was fortunate enough to be in Israel, and I went to the Kotel to speak with him and God. So that was meaningful. Even though I am not so sure my dad was at the Kotel, but that is for another discussion. This year, I decided to do something that he would really enjoy. I went to see the new Ghostbusters movie. I was also going to go to Carvel, but that didn’t happen. Fortunately, my sister reported that she ate a whole pint of ice cream, from the pint, with a napkin as a container holder, just like my dad did, so that was good.

Let’s talk about Ghostbusters. My dad would have loved it because of the nostalgia from the 1984 movie. In fact, the only people laughing at this movie were the ones who were old enough to have seen the original. And while it made me laugh, I also decided to believe in the power to see the supernatural and that my dad was sitting next to me, holding his Milk Duds and laughing along with me.

Just like if you are a Mets fan and you “gotta believe” that even though they have lost every game they have played so far, there is still a chance they are going to win the World Series,  you gotta believe in whatever gets you through the day…

Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck was happy to see that most of the original  Ghostbusters are still alive and well. It was very encouraging!

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