Gentiles ‘guided’ to Christmas cheer
I would like to comment on the December 28 FYI column called “China Syndrome.” The “finkorswim” website on hilchos Christmas that you referred to was hilarious. And the “Talmud for Christmas” by Rabbis Rick Brody and Rachel Kobrin raised a question: “At what time does one attend the cinema?” I’m sure their references to Talmudic sages would show that some say before the Chinese dinner, while others say after.
Years ago, we would go to the movies on Christmas and find the place nearly empty, except for other Jews. There is a Yiddish expression that what happens in the Christian community follows in the Jewish community. With movies, the opposite has happened. We went to the Garden State Plaza theater last week and found that the first two showings we preferred were sold out and the one we got into was full. The lobby had interminable lines at every step, and I never saw the place more crowded. Apparently, the other Jewish Christmas tradition has caught on with the Gentiles. More power to us! We have also given them “White Christmas” and “The Christmas Song.” What more can we do for them?
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