Frisch girl’s junior varsity finishes second perfect season

Frisch girl’s junior varsity finishes second perfect season

Back l-r: Tamar Kuritzky, Shahar Platt, Samantha Kleinhaus, Dafna Secemski, Michal Jacobs. Elizabeth Shechter, Coaches Stephanie and Assi Amos
Front l-r: Nicole Feigenblum, Jordana Gross, Lea Braun, Efrat Secemski, Cindi Zucker, Amanda Rubin, Amanda Povman, Danit Miller courtesy Stephanie Amos

By a score of 45-37, the girls junior varsity basketball team of the Frisch School in Paramus defeated the Yeshiva of Flatbush team on March 22.

With the victory, the Cougars won their second straight championship – and their second consecutive perfect 13-0 season.

Their victory reflects “a lot of hard work and cohesiveness,” said coach Stephanie Amos. “They had a lot of passion. They wanted to win.”

Amanda Povman and Danit Miller were named most valuable players.

Amanda led the team in scoring in the championship game, with 19 points. Danit scored 12.

Amos praised Danit’s “versatility.”

“She moved from small forward to point guard and helped run the offense, she said.

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