Feeding the hungry with Kol Dorot
On Sunday, January 19, Kol Dorot, A Reform Jewish Community, and the Kol Dorot religious school, in conjunction with Rise Against Hunger, will prepare more than 20,000 meals for distribution around the world and for domestic emergencies, including to help people affected by the fires in Los Angeles.
More than 200 people are expected to participate in the preparation, which will be held at Kol Dorot in River Edge. Participants will include religious school students together with family members and friends, working in teams of five, with team members ranging from 5 to 85 years old. They will mix and weigh out meals made of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and a micronutrient packet. The meals will then be boxed for shipment overseas or to California.
The vegetarian-based meals typically are distributed in schools and can be augmented with locally available food and spices. The meals contain micronutrients (for example, iodine, iron, and vitamin A) targeted to address nutritional deficiencies in the areas where they will be distributed.
The packaging process will start at 10 a.m. and should be completed by noon.
Past participants in the event have found it to be fun-filled and emotionally and spiritually rewarding.
For more information, contact Rabbi Jim Stoloff of Kol Dorot, in River Edge and Oradell, at rabbijim@koldorot.org or 201-664-7422 or go to koldorot.org or riseagainsthunger.org.
— Kol Dorot, A Reform Jewish Community