Faith leaders meet with Gottheimer

Faith leaders meet with Gottheimer

Leaders at the meeting included Rabbi Loren Monosov, front row, fourth from left and Cantor Alan Sokoloff, behind her in the back row, left of the U.S. flag, both of Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake; Congressman Josh Gottheimer, front row, center; and to his right, Rabbis Nathaniel Helfgot, Congregation Netivot Shalom of Teaneck, and David Fine, Temple Israel & JCC in Ridgewood. Rabbi Rachel Steiner of Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes is behind them. (Photo provided)
Leaders at the meeting included Rabbi Loren Monosov, front row, fourth from left and Cantor Alan Sokoloff, behind her in the back row, left of the U.S. flag, both of Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake; Congressman Josh Gottheimer, front row, center; and to his right, Rabbis Nathaniel Helfgot, Congregation Netivot Shalom of Teaneck, and David Fine, Temple Israel & JCC in Ridgewood. Rabbi Rachel Steiner of Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes is behind them. (Photo provided)

Faith leaders met with Congressman Josh Gottheimer, the Democrat who represents New Jersey’s 5th District. The gathering takes place every six months, to give the leaders a chance to interact with one another as well as with the congressman.

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