Fair Lawn shul installs officers

Fair Lawn shul installs officers

Dr. Charles Knapp, left, and Cary Reichardt (Photos courtesy TBS)
Dr. Charles Knapp, left, and Cary Reichardt (Photos courtesy TBS)

Temple Beth Sholom in Fair Lawn installed officers for the 2019-2020 year. They are co-presidents Cary Reichardt and Dr. Charles Knapp, executive vice president Tracey Cohen, first vice president Diane Haft, and treasurer Barry Cohen. The board includes budget director Gerry Platter, financial secretary Bob Rubenstein, corresponding secretary Arlene Liebman, recording secretary Marian Manners, social secretary Andrea Milstein, vice president for intra-temple affairs Marcia Geller, co-vice presidents for membership Liz Schwarz and Alan Lewis, vice president for memorials Joe Meer, vice president for building operations Mike Friedman, vice president for religious affairs Marty Reichardt, and vice president for education Iona Friedman. The board of trustees, chaired by Rosalind Melzer, includes Helen Fleischmann, Joan Kastrinsky, Cheryl Nowack, Elliott Melnick, Helen Rubenstein, and Myra Winter. The synagogue’s rabbi, Alberto (Baruch) Zeilicovich, presided over the installation and thanked Ira Kastrinsky, who served as shul president for the last four years.

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