Staffer Tweets Double Rainbow Over White House After SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling

Staffer Tweets Double Rainbow Over White House After SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling

White House official Betsey Stevenson tweeted a double rainbow that appeared over the White House moments after the Supreme Court struck down gay marriage bans across the country.

White House official Betsey Stevenson tweeted a double rainbow that appeared over the White House moments after the Supreme Court struck down gar marriage bans across the country.

She later clarified that the rainbow had appeared a week earlier.

The rainbow is a symbol of the gay rights movement, though opponents point to the rainbow following the flood in the Biblical story of Noah as a sign of Divine disapproval as well.

Thought unlikely to change anyone’s mind on the issue, the appearance of the rainbow at that exact moment is certainly noteworthy. The admission that the photo was taken a week earlier took some of the excitement out of it, though.

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