Defends ‘future ‘school
We’d like to respond to William Hochman’s letter, “Why Start Another School?” (Aug. 25). Hochman asks whether there is a need for another school in Bergen County. Based on the tremendous interest we have received in Yeshivat He’Atid, as well as the more than $250,000 that we have raised from nearly 75 families in the Bergen County area, we would have to conclude that the answer is a resounding “yes!”
The current model for yeshivot and day schools is unsustainable and new approaches are desperately needed. We believe the Yeshivat He’Atid approach will provide a top-notch Jewish education at an affordable price.
Hochman asks why not just attempt to implement Yeshivat He’Atid’s blended learning approach in an existing school? It is a good question. The answer is that attempting to integrate blended learning into an existing school would require a major overhaul of the entire infrastructure of that school, in addition to the significant retraining of staff. It is much easier to start from scratch.
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