Day of big ideas at Ma’ayanot on 12/30
All are welcome to Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls’ 10th annual “Day of Big Ideas,” Sunday, December 30, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, Yeshiva University president and the keynote speaker, will discuss, “Who is My ‘Brother’: A Halakhic Look at a Midlevel Christian Dilemma.”
Lectures by Ma’ayanot faculty include “Walking on Their Heads, Writing with Their Hearts: American Jewish Immigration Stories,” by Tamar Appel; “Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands: Lessons from the Gemara and Martin Luther King, Jr.,” by Dena Block; “The Sailor Cannot See the North: The Letters of Emily Dickinson as an Invitation to Spiritual Exploration,” by Bailey Braun; “How Food has Shaped Humanity,” with Gila Guzman; “Innocent Until Proven Guilty? From Trial by Ordeal to Trial by Twitter,” by Emma Horowitz; “The Mathematical Beauty of Creation” by Dr. Sofya Nayer; “Einstein’s Relativity: Simplified… Relatively,” with Ariella Rosenbaum; “Age Reversal, Cancer Cures, and Winged Wolves: Exploring the Possibilities of Gene Editing,” by Esther Slomnicki; and “When There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: The Science Behind the Dangers of Smoking and Vaping,” with Gila Stein.
The program is sponsored by the Brodsky family in memory of Bernie and Bernice Kramer, grandparents of Molly Brodsky, Ma’ayanot class of 2013. For information, call (201) 833-4307 or go to