Cohens and Smiths to be honored in Paramus
The JCC of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah will hold its annual journal dinner dance on Sunday June 11 at 4:30 p.m. Lori and Harlan Cohen of Hillsdale and Ruth and Stuart Smith of Paramus are this year’s honorees.
The couples will be recognized for their years of service to the congregation. The annual celebration honors congregants and a commemorative journal is published in conjunction with it
Lori Cohen has been involved in many committees and activities at the JCCP/CBT. She has been a sisterhood co-president; for more than 20 years she has been a member of the board of education, and she has volunteered for the Purim carnival. Harlan Cohen, a past president, helped to merge the JCCP with Congregation Beth Tikvah of New Milford. The Cohens are former co-chairs of the shul’s board of governors.
Ruth Smith has been a member of the board, nominating and search committees, and a co-chair of the Association of Parents and Teachers, youth, and sisterhood groups. Stuart Smith, the shul’s treasurer, has served the synagogue in many capacities, including as a board and executive board member, and as financial secretary.
For information or to place a journal ad, go to or call (201) 262-7691.