Brunch book author at YJCC

Brunch book author at YJCC

Tanya Zuckerbrot Courtesy YJCC

“Brilliant Brunches,” featuring Tanya Zuckerbrot, author of “The F-Factor Diet” and “The Miracle Carb Diet: Make Calories and Fat Disappear -with Fiber!” and a guest on such TV shows as “The Dr. Oz Show, “Today,” and “Rachael Ray,” will be presented Friday, April 19, 9:15 a.m., at the YJCC in Washington Township. A light breakfast will be served. Participants will chose from 10 topics, including decorating, holistic health, beauty, wines, and party planning. Each will be presented at a home where lunch will be served.

Susan Benkel, Sharry Friedberg, Lisa Reissman, Jennifer Rothstein, and Dana Slivka are the program’s co-chairs.

Register online at, call Jill Brown at (201) 666-6610, ext. 5812, or email her at

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