Bringing Purim smiles to IDF soldiers’ faces

Bringing Purim smiles to IDF soldiers’ faces

IDF soldiers receiving mishloach manot baskets for Purim from the Kever Rachel Heritage Fund
IDF soldiers receiving mishloach manot baskets for Purim from the Kever Rachel Heritage Fund

In 2000, right after Rosh Hashanah, the fighting during the Second Intifada forced the closure of Kever Rachel. It stayed shuttered for 41 days, until 40 women from Hebron walked to the sacred site. The soldiers in the area were surprised to see these women facing danger to come to the tomb; they were intent on visiting the grave of our mother Rachel, seeking comfort in difficult times. The army opened the doors, and the women entered and prayed, returning home in armored vehicles.

It was then that Miriam Adani, director of the Kever Rachel Heritage Fund, launched a mission to secure the continual presence of soldiers in the area in order to keep the site permanently open for prayer for Jews from all over the world. Her mission a success, she has continued to support the soldiers there with anything they need to lighten the burden of their work.

In December 2000, members of my shul, Congregation Beth Aaron in Teaneck, went on a “chizzuk” mission to Israel. I helped organize donations and messages from congregants to be given as gifts to the Israelis we would meet. I coordinated with Miriam, and when we were in Israel, the kids in our group handed out “Sh’ma” cards and treats to the soldiers. Afterward, one of them called his commanding officer and told him about the little girl who had given him sweets and a card. The officer then called Miriam and asked about her group’s plans. She said she was preparing to give mishloach manot packages to the soldiers on Purim. He asked, “Would you give them to my troops?” “Sure,” she answered. “How many?” “10,000.” Miriam’s response: an enthusiastic “Yes!”

From then on, Jewish congregations and schools in Bergen County and other communities each year have raised money so the Kever Rachel Heritage Fund can deliver Purim gift packages to 10,000 grateful soldiers.

This year, so many soldiers of the IDF will miss the joy of being with family and friends on Purim. Help bring a smile to their faces by donating to give them mishloach manot and megillot for the holiday. Go to or send a check to Kever Rachel Heritage Fund, 6602 Park Heights, Baltimore, Md. 21215.

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