Bigot David Duke on Melania’s speech: The Jews did it

Bigot David Duke on Melania’s speech: The Jews did it

Notorious white supremacist points finger at "the Jews", "Israel Firsters" and "zio media" for Melania Trump plagiarism affair

Duke wrote on his web site:

Israel’s Mossad has a motto: it is “By deception Thou Shalt Wage War.”

We know the Jewish establishment of both the NeoCon right and Democratic Left despise Donald Trump. Jewish pollster Finkelstein says that Donald Trump is the most unpopular candidate for President among Jews since David Duke’s race of 1992!

Nobody could have been so stupid as to make about five or six common quotes out of Michele Obama’s Demo convention speech just a few years before and put it Melania Trump’s speech and not think it would get exposed!

This is a con job, sabotage, political character assassination plan from the get go!

Also, it seems as though the operative set up Melania, by leaking it to other Jewish media insiders who repeatedly asked her about the speech before she gave it prodding her to suggest that she came up with most of it but was helped a little by the speechwriter.

I would bet a gefilte fish that this was sabotage. I would also bet a bagel it was orchestrated by an Israel Firster who wanted to damage the American Firster.

This is no accident and certainly nothing that Melania did intentionally.

Of course. The whole thing is patently ridiculous anyway. Let’s see,  Melania and Trump are pummeled for plagiarism for copying the common language of a Michelle Obama speech written by another speechwriter. One speechwriter plagiarizes another. Who the hell cares anyway?

Of course, that’s easy to answer. A vicious corrupt lying Zio Media who are going all out to destroy Donald Trump just as they are setting out to destroy this nation with a flood of immigrants in their bid to divide-and-conquer!

Zio Fingerprints are all over this one.  – Dr. David Duke


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