Bad timing

Bad timing

There is something not kosher in the township of Teaneck.

Year after year, it seems, the township – with its large Jewish population and despite a serious Jewish representation on the town council – chooses the eve of a Jewish holiday to repair roads or redo sidewalks.

Days before a recent Passover, the township ripped up the sidewalks on Cedar Lane, the main shopping area in the town with its collection of kosher food purveyors and Judaica emporia. The work could have been done after the festival; instead, pedestrian and vehicular traffic was seriously disrupted on some of the season’s busiest shopping days.

This year, Teaneck ripped up Garrison Avenue and its Sussex Road extension, with the section adjacent to the main Cedar Lane municipal parking lot saved for last – which just happened to coincide with the day before Rosh Hashanah, another big shopping day. Had Teaneck waited another day to do that stretch of road, there would have been no disruptions. Cedar Lane is almost a ghost town on the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

Surely, someone in the township must have a calendar.
