Assad and Hitler

Assad and Hitler

Most Americans have forgotten (“Striking at Syria,” September 13). Assad used gas against children and women and men. It reminds me of actions Adolf Hitler took against Jews. We all know the hate Syrians and Iran have for us Jews.

This connection between Assad and Hitler is never brought up in the media. Why are Jews silent about this ? The use of gas cannot be tolerated. Assad must be brought to justice. God protect Israel ! God bless America !

Editor’s note

Maggie Seidel, Rep. Scott Garrett’s (R-N.J. 5th Dist.) communications director, took strong exception to our describing the Constitution Caucus as conservative in “Striking at Syria” (September 13). She says that it is merely a caucus, that it once had a Democratic member, Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia, who left it over a Obamacare, and that it is open to all.

We stand by our reporting.
