All Shmuley all the time

All Shmuley all the time

While we are on the subject of elections, there seems to be only one candidate running for Congress anywhere in northern New Jersey: Shmuley Boteach. The Jewish Standard has published several articles about him or by him, but almost nothing about the man he seeks to replace, the incumbent Rep. William J. Pascrell Jr. We also have had no reports on the race between incumbent Rep. Scott Garrett and Teaneck Deputy Mayor Adam Gussen. We doubt that many readers are even aware that U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez faces a challenge from State Sen. Joe Kyrillos.

Is The Jewish Standard favoring Boteach, its friend and former columnist, and ignoring everyone else?

No. We remain neutral in this election as in all elections. Our job is to inform you, the reader, about the issues and where candidates stand on them. Unfortunately, we cannot assign reporters to cover each candidate full time. We must rely on the candidates and their staffs to keep us informed so that we can keep you informed.

They have not kept us informed, at times even after we have pursued them for comments on various matters. Only Boteach does, so far.

We hope that will change. We hope no candidate takes for granted the so-called “Jewish vote,” just as we hope that each candidate will address all areas of concern to us, and not just view us as “single-issue” voters.

If it seems as though we are “all Shmuley all the time,” that is why.
