‘Great challenges’
Kol hakavod/kudos to Rabbi Shammai Engelmayer for pointing out, in his insightful April 1 article “It’s not about the peanut oil,” that we should not get so involved in the halachic minutiae of properly preparing for Pesach that we forget our mission to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
In working to fulfill that mission, shouldn’t we be more involved in some of the great challenges of today? With the world arguably rapidly approaching an unprecedented climate catastrophe, shouldn’t we lead efforts to help stabilize the world’s climate? And shouldn’t we also be taking the lead in promoting a fairer tax system and working to avert the major efforts by Republicans to reduce funding for the Environmental Protection Agency, Head Start, Planned Parenthood, veterans’ benefits, regulation of food and other items, medical research, and other valuable programs?
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