‘Call a spade a spade’

‘Call a spade a spade’

The horrendous slayings at Fort Hood the other day have brought to the surface the inability of both our government and press to call a spade a spade. We have become so politically correct that even when a truth stares us in the face, we equivocate for fear of offending someone – anyone.

Within hours of his murderous rampage Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was declared by the authorities to have acted alone. This, they said, was the act of one man and was a run-of-the-mill mass murder and not an act of terrorism.


In even the simplest cases there is no rush to judgment, but here we have authorities falling over each other to declare that Hasan acted alone. And they do this in spite of the fact that he had been in frequent contact with Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, who has praised the killings, and in spite of the fact that there is record of Maj. Hasan denouncing the United States and praising suicide bombers.

Who are we kidding?

The army dropped the ball. The FBI dropped the ball. The government dropped the ball -and now 13 wonderful human beings have paid the ultimate price.

That this may have been an act of terrorism by a fanatic and radical practitioner of Islam should still be an item on the table, not to be decided until after a full and thorough investigation has been conducted. Why are we so politically correct and afraid to say that this “may” have been an act by a radical Muslim and may have been done either in concert or at the direction of Imam Abdul-Malik? Why the rush to a judgment that exonerates the possibility of a terrorist act?

Even if Maj. Hasan acted on his own – and the facts appear to belie that – why was it not declared an act of terrorism? Did he or did he not shout Allahu Akbar as he gunned down and killed 13 human beings and seriously wounded 30 others who disagreed with his political and religious philosophy?

I think it is painfully obvious that had he not been Muslim, the army would have cashiered him from the military long ago in view of the disciplinary problem he had become and the pro-terrorist leanings he expressed – views that were well-known to his superiors.

Pogo said it long ago: “I have seen the enemy and he is us.” So long as we do not have the intestinal fortitude to call a terrorist act a terrorist act, and so long as we fear being politically incorrect for not taking appropriate and timely action, we will suffer the likes of Maj. Nidal Malik Hassan.

The army in particular should be ashamed for not having the guts to take the action it should have in a timely manner. Those 13 lives would have been saved.
