A ‘Souper’ collection
The Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl in Las Vegas. Locally, the Jewish Community Center of Paramus/CBT held its own “Souper Bowl.” The soup and other items collected by the shul’s CARE (Community Action Reaching Everyone) committee went to the Corner Market Food Pantry run by Jewish Family & Children’s Services.
Almost 300 cans of soup, 20 bags of groceries, and about 75 reusable bags were donated and delivered to JFCS.
On March 20, the CARE Committee will collect frozen turkeys and bags of non-perishable items to be donated to the Center for Food Action. Drop-off is in the synagogue parking lot, East 304 Midland Ave., Paramus, from 8-9:30 a.m. For information, go to JCCParamus.org.
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