A slam dunk for Torah Letzion

A slam dunk for Torah Letzion

Part of what makes the Metropolitan area Jewish community so amazing is the community’s ability to combine chesed and mitzvot with their favorite everyday activities. On Sunday, Oct.10, yeshiva basketball lovers came out to the Richard Rodda Community Center in Teaneck for a 3-on-3 tzedakah basketball tournament in support of Torah Letzion.

Torah Letzion is an organization that provides financial aid for students to study in Israel during the year after high school year. In the opening ceremony of the tournament, Daniel Sherman, one of the organization’s founders said, “We must infuse the future leaders of our communities with a love of the Torah, Jewish people and the Jewish State…there is no better way than have them learn in their homeland.”

The athletes, all men high school students to adults, came from YU, Cleveland, Teaneck, Riverdale, and the Five Towns for the event.

The championship title of the tournament went to three Teaneck residents, Gavriel Feld, Yisrael Feld, and Avi Hoffman. With a greater turnout than expected, the organization’s founders were happy to see the interest of a large variety of people, and were extremely excited by the success of the tournament. The 3-on-3 basketball tournament raised more than $5,000, which will go toward scholarship funding for those who wish to study for a year in Israel, but cannot afford to do so on their own.

“It was so amazing to see that many people come out to play the sport that they love and do such a great mitzvah at the same time,” said Jordana Fremed of Teaneck.

The 3-on-3 tournament was truly a perfect way for the athletes to show their support for an important organization while having a great time. The excitement of the tournament gained many future supporters, and will help ensure that yeshiva high school students can study for the year in Israel. As a lover of sports and a big advocate for chesed, I take great pride in our community for bringing the two together!

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