A long list of worries

A long list of worries

Elana Samad writes to The Jewish Standard (Oct. 23) that she is worried about Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. I have never heard them say a derogatory word about Israel or Jews in general. She should worry about Bergen County Jews collecting money for Darfur, which the U.S. government states will never get there. She should worry about President Obama’s treatment of Israel’s prime minister, our only ally in the Mideast, on his way to Egypt, which has a cold peace with Israel. She should worry about Obama, who compares Guantanamo to 9/11, where we lost more people than at Pearl Harbor, and where 400 people jumped out of the windows at the World Trade Center. She should worry about President Obama’s cutting off military aid to Honduras, our only ally south of the border, and he wants its president, a friend of Chavez and Cuba, put back in power. She should wonder why the synagogues of Bergen County don’t collect more for the Jewish National Fund.
