A check in time

A check in time

Hurricane Sandy – also known as the superstorm – caused a great deal of damage, and a great deal of hurt.

Few, however, were as “damaged” and “hurt” as were Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson and Jewish Family Service of North Jersey. No, they did not suffer the way so many among us did, and we are not equating real suffering to what these two agencies endured. Yet we are expressing a truth that demands telling: Sandy severely impaired their ability to bring relief the next time.

The why of this should be obvious: They were sensational during Sandy, just as we have come to expect them both to be.

These two agencies, which serve communties from the flood-ravaged North Hudson area to the perpetually flood-prone Wayne and everything in between, made use of every available resource to bring food to the suddenly homebound, shelter to the suddenly homeless, and hope to the suddenly hopeless. And they did it in addition to their daily efforts on behalf of the elderly, the jobless, the Shoah survivors, and the needy of every faith, nationality, age, and race who come through their doors.

This Sunday evening, Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a major fundraising dinner, planned before Sandy but now more urgent than ever. (See the article beginning on page 21.) This spring, Jewish Family Service of North Jersey hopes to have a major fundraiser of its own to replenish coffers depleted by Sandy.

This is the season when people plan their end-of-year giving, in order to lower their annual tax bill. Here is our suggestion:

If you are not going to the dinner on Sunday, sit down today and write a check to Jewish Family Service of Bergen and North Hudson. If you are going to the dinner, increase your planned donation by 20 percent or more.

At the same time, let none of us wait for the spring to write a check to Jewish Family Service of North Jersey. The tax break is now, so now is the time to write a check. There will be plenty of time in the spring to write another one.

The need is great. There is no need to wait.
