Talking about Rosh Hashanah
The Dor L’Dor group at Englewood’s Congregation Ahavath Torah offers a pre-Rosh Hashanah lunch and learn program on Tuesday, September 12, at noon.
Rabbi Chaim Poupko, Ahavath Torah’s senior rabbi, will talk about Rosh Hashanah and the Yamim Noraim. Rabbi Poupko is a member of the national executive committee of the Rabbinical Council of America and was both treasurer and president of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County.
After Rabbi Poupko’s talk, there will be musical entertainment by Jonathan Rimberg, who performs with his band, the Nafshenu Orchestra, as a keyboardist and vocalist. His repertoire includes a wide range of Hebrew and American music.
Reservations are due by September 7; call Eileen at
(201) 921-0630 or email