Synagogue lends space to mosque

Synagogue lends space to mosque

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) has found a new home for its weekly prayer services in Reston in an unusual place, a Jewish synagogue.
The Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation has agreed to rent its multi-purpose room to the Sterling mosque, which has operated a Reston “branch” for several years, in the early afternoon on Fridays.

“Many people [in the congregation] don’t know yet because I just wrote the newsletter article about it,” said synagogue president Hana Newcomb. She accepted an award from ADAMS on behalf of her congregation for its efforts in promoting interfaith dialogues and peace Sept. 27.

“The Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation has opened its doors to our prayers,” said Rizwan Jaka, an ADAMS board member, during the ceremony.

The mosque also honored United Christian Parish, which has hosted its Friday prayer services in Reston for the past seven years. The parish sold one of its facilities and no longer has the extra space to share with ADAMS, said parish board moderator Kay Rodgers.

“We don’t have the space anymore but United Christian Parish is totally committed and dedicated to the interfaith experience we have,” said Rodgers.

Reston Connection

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