Sharsheret annual benefit honors sisters and longtime volunteer

Sharsheret annual benefit honors sisters and longtime volunteer

Gila Pfeffer, left, Miryam Reinitz-Kops, Jonathan Blinken, and Tanya Zuckerbrot

Sharsheret, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer, hosts its annual benefit on Sunday, May 6, at 10 a.m. Holy Name Medical Center is the lead sponsor. The event at the Marriott at Glenpointe in Teaneck includes a high-end silent auction.

Sisters Gila Pfeffer and Miryam Reinitz-Kops are the guests of honor and volunteer Jonathan Blinken will receive the Lisa Altman Volunteer Tribute award. Tanya Zuckerbrot, founder/CEO of F-Factor and a Sharsheret Medical Advisory Board member, is the guest speaker. For information, go to

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