Schechter’s ski lift

Schechter’s ski lift

The Schechter Regional High School in Teaneck takes a student-first approach to sports. Students are free to organize and implement any athletic program they want and have ended up with teams for fencing and baseball, among other yeshiva anomalies, in its sports offerings.

So no one should be surprised that the school’s ski trip, which was held on January ” at Jimminy Peak in Massachusetts, put students on full display.

"We had some nice tricks getting landed," said sophomore and trip organizer Daniel Horn. "One of the freshman on the trip broke his wrist in ‘ places. That was a 40-foot jump."

Despite that one calamity, the trip was more successful than last year’s, simply because it took place.

The trip was two years in the making for Daniel, who started making headway when he formed the Schechter ski club during his freshman year. Of the school’s 6′ students, 14 joined, and Daniel immediately set to work organizing a ski trip for the club.

"We had it all planned out for last year," Daniel said. "But then we got snowed in, more or less, so we couldn’t go, and I set to re-planning it for this year."

Fast forward to this year, when all that planning and effort finally landed Schechter on the lifts at Jimminy Peak.

"The educational piece of this trip, especially with a student such as Daniel, was learning how to plan a trip," said Schechter athletic director and skiing faculty advisor David Robinson. "Daniel dealt with all the details, like busing, and insurance, and everything else that went into it."

Fourteen students, along with two faculty members and two chaperones, made their way to Massachusetts. About half of the group skied, while the other half snowboarded, for around seven hours.

"I’m a not very good skier, but I skied [on the trip]," said Robinson. "Before I came to Schechter, I chaperoned many ski trips, and I’ve been involved with all sorts of sports events" but this trip was noteworthy because it was all student-planned, he said. Daniel, a skier, is already looking at the ‘007 winter calendar, and said that this year’s success bodes promisingly for the future.

"It will be a lot easier to plan next year’s ski trip," he said, adding that a return to Jimminy Peak is a likely possibility. "It was a lot of work to plan this one, but it was fun."

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