Marking Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Teaneck

Marking Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Teaneck

On Tuesday, April 25, Bergen County’s Jewish community will gather at Teaneck’s Votee Park to celebrate Israel’s 75th Yom Ha’Atzmaut — Independence Day. The program will begin at 6:15 p.m. at the Rodda Center with a Yom HaZikaron kumzitz — a gathering to remember Israel’s fallen soldiers with stories, music, and words of Torah. The kumzitz will be led by Jewish music star Uri Davidi. At 7:30, the program will continue with Mincha
and a special Tefillat Ma’ariv service that will conclude with the singing of Tehillim 107.

At 8:15, the program will move to Votee Park’s new Sportsplex for an immersive audiovisual experience that will include special effects to celebrate Israel’s 75-year history and its promising future. This will end before 9 with dancing. The rain date is April 26. For information, go to

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