Ma’ayanot scholarship dinner scheduled for March 10

Ma’ayanot scholarship dinner scheduled for March 10

Saul and Deena Kaszovitz, left, Dr. Miriam and Rabbi Elie Berman, Dr. Neer and Lynn Even-Hen, and Samantha Kur

Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls holds its annual scholarship fund dinner on Saturday, March 10, at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck.

Ma’ayanot parents, students, alumnae, and friends will gather to honor Samantha Kur, who will receive the Teacher of the Year award; Deena and Saul Kaszovitz, the Keter Shem Tov award winners; Amudei Ma’ayanot awardees Dr. Miriam and Rabbi Elie Berman, and Dr. Neer and Lynn Even-Hen, Parents of the Year.

Saul and Deena Kaszovitz’s four daughters attended Ma’ayanot, and they have been Ma’ayanot parents for a record-setting 11 consecutive years. In addition to serving as Ma’ayanot president for three years, Mr. Kaszovitz has been on many of its committees, including finance, board nominating, dinner fundraising, Middle States review, open house, development, and dean of students search. Ms. Kaszovitz was chair of the dinner committee, a member of a recent Learning Center focus group, and as a member of the Middle States review, open house, and parent ambassador committees.

Dr. Miriam and Rabbi Elie Berman volunteer in many community organizations. Dr. Berman has been on Ma’ayanot’s board since 2015; she also has been on many of its committees, including the Middle States review, open house, and parent ambassador. She volunteers for Torah Academy of Bergen County, Shearit HaPlate, Yavneh, Yeshivat Noam, Lamdeinu, and Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Rabbi Berman teaches a weekly She’elot u-Teshuvot shiur at Rinat and is a member of the board of the Etzion Foundation. He also always can be counted on to be a volunteer coach on call at Ma’ayanot softball games.

Dr. Neer and Lynn Even-Hen are involved in many volunteer activities on behalf of Ma’ayanot. Dr. Even-Hen has served on the dinner fundraising committee, while Ms. Even-Hen has been a member of the board since 2014 and been on the parent ambassador and open house committees. Together, they have opened their home to host grade Shabbatonim and parlor meetings.

Samantha Kur, chair of the English department, joined Ma’ayanot’s faculty in 2007. She fosters a love of reading in her students and teaches them to develop their own identity and moral compass through their study of literature.

All funds raised through the dinner will benefit Ma’ayanot’s scholarship program, which awarded more than $1.4 million to families in financial need this fiscal year.

For information or to register, call Pam Ennis at (201) 833-4307, ext. 265, or email her at

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