Learn to knit in Tenafly

Learn to knit in Tenafly

The Bergen County section of the National Council of Jewish Women, Temple Sinai of Bergen County, and Dignity Memorial are co-hosting a new class, “Knit and Sip with Rayshel.” Everyone, including beginners, are invited to the class, which will run October 4, 11, and 18, and November 1 and 15, at Temple Sinai in Tenafly.

Rayshel Campana will teach participants about a range of stitches, patterns, and finishing touches, enabling them to craft scarves, blankets, and caps.

For reservations, call Jocelyn Inglis at (201) 568-3035, email jinglis@temple
sinaibc.org, or go to templesinaibc.org/event/knit.

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