JFNNJ officials join governor to mark Israel’s 70th birthday

JFNNJ officials join governor to mark Israel’s 70th birthday

Ariella Noveck, Governor Phil Murphy, and Stephanie Goldman (Courtesy JFNNJ)
Ariella Noveck, Governor Phil Murphy, and Stephanie Goldman (Courtesy JFNNJ)

Governor Phil Murphy signed a resolution on May 14, recognizing the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. Ambassador Dani Dayan, the consul general of Israel in New York, who was at the signing at the Trenton statehouse, spoke about Israeli’s desire to deepen economic, cultural, and social ties withs New Jersey. Stephanie Goldman, the president of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, and Ariella Noveck, the director of federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council, represented the federation at the meeting.

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