High Holy Day prep

High Holy Day prep

WebYeshiva is offering a free month of online classes to help people prepare for Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. In addition, two days of 10 hour-long classes will be given on Sept. 28 and Oct. 12. For information, visit www.webyeshiva.org.


Till120.com has launched a section on its Website for Jews to post memorials, including photos, at no cost, in preparation for the High Holy Days. In addition, online visitors can fill out yahrzeit reminders to be e-mailed to them when it is time to light a yahrzeit candle. Visitors can also make secure donations to national charities in memory of their loved ones.


The Creative Arts Temple of Beverly Hills, Calif., is distributing its Yom Kippur Service on DVD, free-of-charge, to troops stationed abroad as well as to hospitalized and homebound Jews. With the help of military chaplains around the world, the temple plans to send out over 500 DVDs this month. The hour-long digital service is an edited version of the Creative Arts Temple’s Kol Nidre service held on Yom Kippur eve, led by Rabbi Jerry Ram Cutler and Cantor Lorna Lembeck. Celebrity temple members and friends – including Jon Voight, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss, Estelle Harris, and Norm Crosby – read prayers, and music, film, visual art, and stories are highlights of the service.

To request a copy, call (323) 965-1818 or e-mail by Sept. 19.


Craig Taubman and Craig N’ Co is publishing “Jewels of Elul IV,” an anthology of 29 essays corresponding to the 29 days of Elul, the month before the High Holy Days traditionally dedicated to meditation.

This year’s edition, “Dreamers and their Dreams,” was inspired by the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel. Among the contributors are presidential candidates Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain; Rabbi Elyse Frishman, the editor of Mishkan T’filah, the new Reform prayer book and religious leader of Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes; Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of “Gilligan’s Island” and “The Brady Bunch”; Jeffrey Katzenberg, the founder of Dreamworks; Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor; and Marc Platt, the producer of “Wicked.”

“Jewels of Elul IV” is sponsored by the Stefan Adelipour Foundation in memory of Adelipour, a 22-year-old Boston University senior who died in a fire.

For a free copy, visit www.jewelsofelul.com.


Sharsheret, a national not-for-profit organization supporting young Jewish women facing breast cancer, offers a free national empower teleconference “The High Holidays and Renewal,” on Wednesday, Sept. 17, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Guest speaker Rachel Lerner, a psychotherapist in private practice, will discuss how to address religious and communal challenges during the High Holy Days. The teleconference focuses on the needs of Jewish single women touched by breast cancer and all Jewish women living with breast cancer are invited to participate.

For information, call (800) 370-0898 on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 8:25 p.m., the teleconference ID# is 60711395.
