14 receive diplomas at BCHSJS

14 receive diplomas at BCHSJS

Front row, from left: Jessica Stern, Julia Ganbarg, Madison Gold, Sarah Gordon, Rebecca Brandon. Back row, from left: Mikaela Bichler, Kayla Seigel-Laddy, Eric Levine, Jarod Forer, Eitan Ahdoot, Simon Castiel, Adam Alper, Noah Mandelman, and Jonathan Marcus. (Courtesy BCHSJS)
Front row, from left: Jessica Stern, Julia Ganbarg, Madison Gold, Sarah Gordon, Rebecca Brandon. Back row, from left: Mikaela Bichler, Kayla Seigel-Laddy, Eric Levine, Jarod Forer, Eitan Ahdoot, Simon Castiel, Adam Alper, Noah Mandelman, and Jonathan Marcus. (Courtesy BCHSJS)

The Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies held its annual graduation, honoring 14 students at the Glen Rock Jewish Center.

Board member Rabbi Dr. Wallace Green led the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “Hatikvah.” The school’s principal, Fred Nagler, introduced board members, rabbis, and congregational principals and highlighted school programs. GRJC’s president, Robert M. Weiss, extended greetings; the shul’s Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg gave the d’var Torah, and BCHSJS board president Sy Blechman and teacher Barnett Goldman spoke to the seniors. Four graduates shared reflections of their years at BCHSJS. Rebecca Brandon received the senior academic award for five years of excellence in studies. A reception followed.

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