Woodcliff Lake marks the Holocaust

Three generations of the Rak family, Noah Rak, Sam Rak, and Miriam Rak, light a candle at last year’s Holocaust commemoration. (Photo provided)
The Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley and Pascack Valley/Northern Valley Hadassah will hold the annual community Holocaust commemoration on Wednesday, April 11, at Temple Emanuel in Woodcliff Lake, at 7:30 p.m.
The evening incudes a candlelighting ceremony that honors survivors, their children, and the grandchildren. Diana Rosner and Ronnie Silver are event co-chairs.
Erwin Ganz, the speaker, will talk about growing up in Nazi Germany, before, during, and after Kristallnacht. He emigrated to the United States with his family when he was 9 and settled in Newark.
For information, call (201) 391-0801.
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