Wheels-For-Meals Ride to Fight Hunger

Wheels-For-Meals Ride to Fight Hunger

Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey will hold its seventh annual Wheels-For-Meals Ride to Fight Hunger on Sunday, June 11. The ride begins and ends at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh. Join to help raise funds and awareness to fight hunger in the community.  All proceeds support the Kosher Meals-on-Wheels program and the JFCS Food Pantry. The Jewish Standard is among the many sponsors. Choose from 3, 10, 25, 35, or 50-mile bike routes. All riders receive a free shirt, patch kit, breakfast, and a barbecue lunch.  Family fun includes a DJ with music and games, face painting, and prizes. For information, call (201) 837-9090 or go to www.ridetofighthunger.com or www.jfcsnnj.org. Pre-registration closes at 3 p.m., on Friday, June 9; walk-in registrants welcome on June 11.

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