Wayne shul honors volunteers

Wayne shul honors volunteers

Mickie Stricker and Joan Gottlieb (Courtesy TBT)
Mickie Stricker and Joan Gottlieb (Courtesy TBT)

Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne held its Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat on June 17. The annual George Rafes Memorial Service awards were given to Joan Gottlieb and Mickie Stricker, and 153 people who volunteered their time, talents, and energy to the shul during the year were honored.

Among this year’s new initiatives were a search for a new rabbi and the yearlong celebration of Cantor Charles Romalis’ jubilee. “Both of these initiatives were huge successes, as we look forward to welcoming Rabbi Meeka Simerly later this summer and as we bask in the celebratory and financial achievements of the year-long series of jubilee events,” the shul’s president, Janice Paul, said. “We were thrilled to recognize the leaders of these two projects with this award.”

Joan Gottlieb, the vice chair of the search committee, was instrumental in reviving the Women of Chai, Temple Beth Tikvah’s Sisterhood, and is the sisterhood’s co-president with Diana Krefting. She is chair of the scrip program, a board member, and incoming executive vice president. Mickie Stricker chaired the Jubilee Committee and was shul president from 2011 to 2013. She also is on steering committees of the Renaissance Club and the Women of TBT.

The George Rafes Memorial Service award, originally called the Executive Citation, changed in 1972 to honor the memory of beloved congregant George Rafes.

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