The Holocaust through film

The Holocaust through film

Eric Goldman
Eric Goldman

The Northern New Jersey Holocaust Memorial & Education Center and the Teaneck Library feature Jewish film scholar Dr. Eric Goldman, who will talk about “The Shoah through the Lens of Cinema.” The Wednesday, January 10, lecture will be at the Teaneck Public Library, 840 Teaneck Road, at 7 p.m.

Dr. Goldman will explore the ways in which Hollywood has shown the Holocaust through the years. He will look at how cinema reflects memories of the Holocaust and has formed our understanding of it.

Admission is free, but donations are welcome. This is the first in a series of events presented by the Northern New Jersey Holocaust Memorial & Education Center, which will be built on the Teaneck Municipal Green as part of its coming Garden to Nurture Human Understanding.

For more information go to or email Chani Jaskoll at

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