Sunrise Camp walk raises needed funds

A walk to benefit Sunrise Day Camp-Pearl River, held at the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds last month, drew more than 500 participants and raised more than $154,000. Sunrise Day Camp-Pearl River, a member of the Sunrise Association, is the only full summer day camp in the world for children with cancer and their siblings, and it is free to participants.
The mission of the Sunrise Association is to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide, through the creation of day camps, year-round programs, and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free. Sunrise Day Camp-Pearl River finished its fifth summer this year. There are now seven Sunrise Association Day Camps — three in New York (Long Island, Pearl River, and Staten Island), three in Israel (Beit Yehoshuah, Be’er Sheva, and Ramat Yochanan), and one in Baltimore — Horizon Day Camp. An eighth camp will open in Atlanta next year. Sunrise Association Day Camps are affiliated with 30 renowned hospitals and medical centers around the world.
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