Sukkot in the community
Sukkot in Closter
On October 20, Temple Emanu-El of Closter’s religious school held its Sukkot celebration for children of all ages. Students enjoyed a hands-on learning experience with the lulav and etrog in the sukkah. Each grade had the opportunity to spend time in the sukkah to shake the lulav, smell the etrog, and have a festive snack. In addition to the rituals, the students decorated the sukkah with their own handmade crafts.

Sukkot in Hackensack
Chabad of Hackensack held “Sushi and Soups in the Sukkah” on October 20. A lively crowd filled the sukkah for food, mitzvot, games, and a joyful sense of community.
“We were thrilled by the incredible turnout,” Rabbi Mendy Kaminker said. “It’s clear that we might need a bigger sukkah next year!”
“It was beautiful to see people come together to experience the joy of Sukkot,” Shterna Kaminker said. “We can’t wait to celebrate at Simchat Torah with hakafot — dancing and rejoicing together!”
Go to for information.

Sukkot in Teaneck
Mike Maron and Deb Ross greet Bob Ashe, the hospital’s director of food and nutrition, in the sukkah.

Sukkot in Teaneck
Mike Maron, the CEO of Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, invited staff and community members to a program in the hospital’s sukkah on October 22. The inspirational event was shared by employees, friends, and community leaders. The sukkah was on the lobby level patio. Deborah Ross, Holy Name’s clinical software specialist/information technology, and community leader, organized the program.