Sharsheret expands board of directors
Sharsheret, the only national not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of Jewish women and families of all backgrounds who face breast and ovarian cancer, has expanded its national board of directors.
Sharsheret held its largest and most successful fundraiser on May 6. More than 600 people attended the annual luncheon, in Teaneck. Sisters Gila Pfeffer and Miryam Reinitz-Kops were honored for their efforts in educating the broader community about their risk for hereditary cancer and supporting women facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Jonathan Blinken of Englewood, who received the Lisa Altman Volunteer Tribute award for his efforts on behalf of the organization, was named the new board president.
Sharsheret also welcomed two new board members, Lizzy Greif of Dallas and Michael Shapot of New York City. Board member Leslie Sidell of Denver was named treasurer of the executive board. Dalia Shoretz Nagel, who is completing her term as president, will stay on as immediate past president. Earlier this year, Sharsheret announced that Dana Norris, a former board president, returned to Sharsheret as a member of the honorary advisory board.
“This past Sunday, we held our largest and most successful fundraiser, much to the credit of our wonderful honorees and an incredible committee of volunteers,” Elana Silber, Sharsheret’s executive director, said. “Building on this amazing energy and momentum we are thrilled to welcome new leadership to our board who will guide the organization’s efforts locally and across the country, saving more lives with greater awareness, and improving more lives with expanded support.”