Retired chaplain Ira Kronenberg calls for support, connection for veterans

Retired chaplain Ira Kronenberg calls for support, connection for veterans

What you can do

Photo courtesy Kosher Troops

Help out on Mitzvah Day

On Sunday, Nov. 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Cong. B’nai Israel will sponsor “Packages for Soldiers” as part of UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey’s community-wide Mitzvah Day. Volunteers will pack donated items to mail to military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. A list of items requested by the troops can be obtained from the synagogue, (201) 796-5040.

Make holiday celebrations possible

Koshertroops sends kosher food and holiday gift baskets to soldiers and service members stationed abroad. According to Rockland County residents Ava Hamburger and Sara Fuerst, co-founders of the group, “We are contacted weekly by soldiers and chaplains who need our help. The soldiers unite around the holidays and look forward to our shipments of food and religious items. During their deployment, many of them reconnect with their Jewish heritage and it brings them comfort. This is a huge mitzvah.”

Visit or call (845) 354-7641.

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